The Construction Source Australia

6 | Castleprime Constructions tion because of the high calibre of the com- petition, he adds. “There are not many renovations/addi- tions that happen in Perth that I know of for over a million dollars, so we we’re in the top category with the big boys as a fairly small, under-the-radar builder. That makes recog- nition mean a lot, especially on a personal level.” “It’s great to achieve that respect – to be at a level in the industry where people are shaking your hand and saying ‘well done.’ It’d be nice to do another ten or twenty of those types of projects in the future.” On the topic of the future, Mark says that Castleprime may start doing more of their own developing. “Much as we’ll continue with the type of work we’re doing, that part of the market is getting tougher and full of headaches. In three years we’d like to focus more on doing design ourselves – picking the landon day one and then designing and constructing from there.” “A lot of builders do this already,” he con- cludes. “Joining them in that practice means we’ll be able to get involved at projects at an earlier stage. From there, we can make all our future construction faster and more eco- nomical without changing the architectural integrity of the design.”