The Construction Source Australia

10 | City of Swan we can get this highway going through, and this land opened up for industrial develop- ment, then all these people will get jobs vir- tually on their doorstep. So it’s a very impor- tant project.” Another important project for the City of Swan is the revitalisation of Midland, which is the strategic metropolitan centre in Perth’s north east sub-region. “Midland has always been a major re- gional centre, even going way back,” Mayor Zannino explains. “They used to have major stockyards that served all the farmers from the nearby towns. They also had the Mid- land Railway Workshops. Back in the early 90s, however, the government closed the workshops down. Their closure led to the shutdown of the stockyards, and soon there was a lot of land there that was being unuti- lised.” Together with the Swan Chamber of Commerce and other major players, the City of Swan lobbied the state government to put a redevelopment authority in place. In 2010,