The Construction Source Australia

4 | City of Swan Located in Perth’s north east, on diverse land stretching more than 1,044 kilometres, is the City of Swan – a hub of economic growth, commerce, and culture. The City is home to some of the fastest growing suburbs in the state, two regional centres, several na- tional parks and reserves, many major com- mercial and industrial areas, and more. “It’s a great place to live and bring up a fam- ily,” says Charlie Zannino, Mayor of the City. “We’ve got the benefits of both big-city and small-town living. The regional centre of Midland is strategically located just 10 min- utes from the airport and 25 minutes from Perth’s CBD, so we have access to just about everything. At the same time, we enjoy a re- laxed atmosphere and the natural beauty of the Swan Valley.” Mayor Zannino has lived in the Swan Val- ley almost all of his life, and was first nomi- nated and elected to Council in 1987. In the years before and since, he has seen the City continuously evolve, and continuously raise the bar on its potential. One area that has gone from strength to strength is the popularity of the region as a tourist destination. Major attractions in- clude the significant Aboriginal and Euro-