The Construction Source Australia

6 | City of Swan only two WA winners in all 28 categories of the national awards. The City has also won the Perth Airport Western Australia Tour- ism Award for Local Government ever since the category was first introduced. Next year, they will be inducted into the WA Hall of Fame in this category. “That means a lot,” says Mayor Zannino. “It’s very important tobe recognised amongst your peers. And it means a lot not only to us, but also to the local businesses that operate in the Valley and the surrounding area.” “If you’re a winemaker, and you win a gold medal for your wine, it will obviously do a lot for your business,” he continues. “And those awards do a lot for us. Not just for the City of Swan, but for all the local industries. Because they bring people out here, and it makes our small businesses more viable.” In its submission for the Qantas Austra- lia Tourism Award, the City highlighted its regional marketing, product development, interpretive infrastructure, and visitor ser- vicing initiatives – all of which have been