The Construction Source Australia
Renewal SA | 5 pert, and spent more than a decade as the General Manager of TriMet in in Portland, where he oversaw a period of unprecedented development. Soon after, he came to Ade- laide as a guest of the Thinkers in Residence program, which brought leaders in their field to work with the South Australian com- munity and government in developing new ideas and approaches to problem solving. As a Thinker-in Residence, Fred was in- volved in expanding Adelaide’s tram net- work. During that time, he became im- pressed with the way South Australia was “taking control of its destiny.” “They had a 30-Year-Plan, a set of stra- tegic objectives, and were really measur- ing their performances against those objec- tives,” he explains. “Very few places across the world do those kinds of things, and they really made me believe that South Australia was special.” In his current role at Renewal SA, Fred has helped oversee the delivery of several ground-breaking developments – but he says none more are ground breaking than Lights- view. “It just has a great design,” he says. “It’s a walkable community with great open spaces,
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