The Construction Source Australia

8 | Renewal SA in that. And the final third hadn’t made up their minds yet.” “But when we looked at the second third – the people who said they really liked it – we found they were people who had experi- enced it interstate in Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane, or they experienced it overseas.” According to Fred, that told them they were on the right track. It also told them that the final undecided third could be con- vinced. They concluded that if they were able to create “great places” – places that pull people to them, due to their great design and their great amenities – there was a large por- tion of the population that would be inter- ested. “There was a large portion of people who wouldn’t mind giving up the lawnmower and the big garden,” he says. “They’d like, in fact, the ability to walk out their door and instantly see neighbors and friends. They’d like the ability to walk to the coffee shop or café.” “When you talk about design, you can’t just talk about the structures that are being built,” he adds, and he’s describing Renewal