Accent Air

4 | Accent Air CUSTOMER FIRST Accent Air services both the domestic and commercial sectors. Their customer base is widespread and includes individual houses, apartment blocks, hotels and resorts, nursing homes and hospitals, supermarkets, arenas and a lot more. Their products vary to suit the client, and are comprised of only premium components. In recent years, Accent Air’s focus has shifted to the commercial sector, where there is more of a need to custom build a unit to meet the specific needs of a project – which is something the team at Accent Air excels at. By working in that sector, they have less need to compete with the low cost of imported product, or to contend with the rising strength of the Australian dollar. Besides manufacturing air conditioners, Accent Air also produces heat pumps which use air conditioning technology to heat water as opposed to heating/cooling air. The majority of the time,their heat pumps are used for pool heating, but on a commercial level they can also be used for factories, hotels and aquatic centres –in Australia and abroad. Currently, roughly 15 per cent of the company’s heat pumps are exported to South East Asia, and this number is expected to grow in the future. McBurneysays that what sets Accent Air apart in the industry is their dedication to customersand understanding of clients. The company’s products are Australian designed. There is a strong emphasis on local research and development, and all products are customised to meet the needs of the project. The company also has a long standing reputation of reliability and quality