Beacon Builders

Beacon Builders | PALM BEACHHEIGHTS ESTATE product sits above that of our competition.” “At this stage in my life,” Peter says of his approach to the business, “I’m just cruising along doing one project at a time and enjoying life. I love both the creativity and complexity of property development. Being able to apply my skills and experience to identify the highest and best use for a parcel of land that has end product for which there is sufficient demand, and then delivering the project is very satisfying.” In 2014, Beacon Builders were recognised by the Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland) at the annual Awards for Excellence. The boutique developer took home the Small Residential Subdivision award for their work on the Palm Beach Heights Estate. The award is a grand achievement for Beacon Builders. It is also particularly significant to Peter, as he credits his father’s development instincts that led to Palm Beach Heights becoming a reality. “I’m very proud and touched to have won the UDIA award,” Peter explains. “My father identified this land about five years ago; unfortunately, he passed away before he could see the project completed. But he knew that