CIMC Modular Building Systems

CIMC Modular Building Systems | INDUSTRY LEADERS “a very, very keen eye for detail and aesthetics.” “They really enjoy that modular systems are built in a controlled environment where you can conduct quality tests, pressure tests, compliance tests − all the testing that’s required − so they know that they can expect 200 beautifully built hotel rooms before they actually leave the factory,” he explains. Moreover, CIMC prototypes each model before it goes into production to ensure that it meets the client’s standards. “Nothing leaves our factory until the client, their representatives and their consultants have signed off on every single module and are happy with what we’re producing,” says John. Prototyping also gives them the chance to provide their trades and builders with a tutorial on how to assemble each system, which further increases the speed and efficiency of construction. A prime example of a project that required CIMC’s modular systems to move