CIMC Modular Building Systems

| CIMC Modular Building Systems ahead is the upcoming high-rise Marriott hotel in Perth CBD. The 330-room, 23-storey building was initially set to be constructed conventionally, but the quotes they were receiving just weren’t feasible enough. In this case, CIMC’s modular systems are providing Marriott with roughly 20 per cent savings against the projected costs of conventional construction. For that project, CIMC is administering the full suite of services, acting as financier and head contractor as well as supplying the modular building systems. “The first four levels of the building − effectively the restaurants, bars, ballrooms, lobbies − will be done in conventional construction, but everything from there up will be done inmodular,” John explains. “It’s a significant building. 23 storeys and 330 rooms of a four-and-a-half star hotel with Marriott − it’s a really exciting project for us. In terms of full volumetric modular construction, it’s certainly going to be the largest one built in the Southern Hemisphere, and I think it could possibly be the tallest globally.” John expects that project to be “coming