Carruthers Contracting

6 | Carruthers Contracting vironments and circumstances,” he says. “That’s what our clients look for.” That type of flexibility wouldn’t be possible, Jim adds, if not for the company’s highly dedicated staff – many of whom are long-term, and bring a wealth of experience to their roles. Jim himself has worked in all facets of the civil contracting industry, and has made it a priority to pass on his knowledge to the younger generation. That younger generation includes Jim’s own children – his sons James and Bradley, and his daughter, Kate. James and Bradley have completed apprenticeships and attained certificates in management, and James now works as a valuable member of the company’s estimating team. Kate, similarly, is a vital cog of the company’s administration team, and will also play an important part in the company’s future. “We see people as our best investment,” says Michael King, HRManager for Carruthers Contracting. “There are a lot of good learning and development opportunities within our organisation. We’re able to offer a career path. There are people who have been here for up to 25 years, and have taken advantage of that.” According to Michael, Carruthers Contracting considers their employees “paramount” to the success of the company. “Our people are the business,” he says. “They are what our reputation is based on. We have some excellent professionals on the ground, and they’re our best form of advertising. That’s where repeat work comes from.” “We’re very much a family oriented business,” Jim adds. “Our staff benefit from that, and our clients benefit from that.” A STEADY PROGRESSION Carruthers Contracting also fosters strong and lasting relationships with their suppliers and sub-