
Ceerose | formed that site into one of the city’s “most remarkable and meticulously crafted residential projects,” according to the Urban Taskforce judges’ comments. Eliza comprises 10 two-bedroom apartments, eight whole-floor apartments, and a three-storey penthouse with four bedrooms and multiple indoor and outdoor living areas. The design uses “liquid architecture” to mould the façade, allowing for each level in the building to be unique and distinctive. Urban Taskforce judges defined the project as “an iconic CBD landmark.” That description is typical for Ceerose projects, explains construction manager, Roy Massoud. “There are a lot of people who can drive around Sydney and they automatically know the projects that Ceerose has worked on because they’re so unique and different from the rest.” Over the last few years, as Ceerose has picked up more work as a builder for external clients, their reputation for distinctiveness has not diminished. It’s a busy residential market in Sydney, so roughly 70 per cent of the company’s work is now being done for other developers, but they find a way to make each project stand out. “We choose the clients we work for and the