City of Belmont

City of Belmont | FUTURE VISION other areas highlighting operational strength in providing access to services to our community and facilities for youth, for those with disabilities; library services; Council’s leadership in the community; as well as the City’s communication tools. The City of Belmont was identified as an industry leader in 15 business areas some of which included, Council’s leadership, what the City does to promote the area as a desirable place to do business, planning and building approvals, and how the community is consulted about local issues. There are a number of significant major infrastructure and urban renewal projects that are contributing to the transformation of the City of Belmont as it looks towards the future. Some of these projects include The Springs, developed in partnership with Landcorp and the private sector, which involves the redevelopment of 12.5ha of riverfront land into a highstandard, high-density residential and commercial precinct. Another major redevelopment is Development Area 6 (DA6) in Redcliffe. In recent