City of Belmont

| City of Belmont SERVICE DELIVERY committee of local business champions, who meet regularly to discuss matters of importance to the business community. The City of Belmont conducts a Community and Business Perceptions Survey annually, the results of which guide the City on how it interacts with the community and delivers services to customers. These results and feedback are considered during the City’s annual review of its Strategic Plan where strategies are put in place to address the key priority areas that have been identified by the local community and businesses. According to City of Belmont Chief Executive Officer Stuart Cole, the City maintains a high level of overall satisfaction. “The City of Belmont continues to set the benchmark in several significant Local Government performance areas,” Mr Cole said. “In 2015, 92 per cent of residents were satisfied with the City of Belmont as a place to live and 88 per cent of residents were satisfied with the City of Belmont as a governing organisation,” he said. “We achieved high scores in a number of