City of Palmerston

| City of Palmerston city. A key part of Palmerston’s Master Plan is the Goyder Square Redevelopment. That project – located in front of the Palmerston Library – will connect the civic centre of Goyder Square with the Water Tower Park to create a vibrant new social hub where residents are able to meet, relax, and enjoy Palmerston’s tropical lifestyle. The redevelopment of Goyder Square will feature landscaping designed to ensure the new-look square will grow into a shady, green haven for residents. It will also provide new infrastructure for the popular Palmerston Markets, as well as a new community venue to hold events. Another important component of the City Centre Master Plan is the upgrade of ‘The Boulevard’ which will be transformed over time to be Palmerston’s bustling main-street, and will support new opportunities for restaurants, cafes, and retailers. Stage 1 of that upgrade included several works to help integrate the street with Goyder Square, and was completed in February 2015. Just this month, council has given the green light to proceed with the final stage of this project at a cost of $4.57 million which will see these works completed in