City of Palmerston

City of Palmerston | In recent years, Palmerston’s population has grown between 4 and 5 per cent per year, making it one of the fastest growing cities in Australia, as well as the current growth corridor for the Greater Darwin Region. To meet the needs of this evolution, Palmerston is undergoing a significant period of infrastructure development, which has involved the recent delivery of many high-quality residential suburbs, as well as detailed plans for a reinvigorated city centre. Ricki Bruhn is the CEO of the City of Palmerston. He moved to the city and took on his current role in 2010. Prior to that, he had been working in local government for 30 years on the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia. He says he has no regrets about making the transition to the Northern Territory. “I’ve thoroughly loved my time with the City of Palmerston,” he says. “I’ve enjoyed the casual lifestyle, the facilities are excellent, and it’s just a nice community to live in. I have just commenced my second five year contract and are looking forward to the future development of the city”. In particular, Ricki appreciates the fact that the city is fairly young, and so is the infrastructure – “it still has that shiny feel to it,” he says.