
| Cockram Construction culture. According to him, that culture has helped Cockram foster a reputation as “a contractor that cares about and delivers on the safety, quality, professionalism and development of its people.” That reputation is also evidenced by the very high retention rate amongst the company’s staff, including Greg. “The staff turnoverwithinCockramis one of the lowest in the industry by a significant number,” he says. “That’s even true in China, where staff turnover rate is usually very high amongst engineering and construction companies like ours. That’s because of our strong culture, and the way we strive for excellence while always treating people fairly and with integrity.” As part of that culture, Cockram is also heavily commitment to safety – which Greg describes as the “foundation of all our operations.” He says they are constantly challenging and improving their safety performance, and they have developed a “robust safety risk and management system” in an effort to operate incident and injury-free. Cockram’s safety system is federally-accredited and has won numerous industry accolades over the years. At the 2014 WA WorkSafe Work Safety Awards, for example, it was named a finalist in the category Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital - Adult Mental Health Unit