Coral Coast Homes & Constructions

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction Construction’s first ever project in that price range. Again, he credits his entire team for the fantastic result they achieved. “I felt everyone involved did a great job considering the company had only been going for three years at the time,” he says. “We have all of our administrators, apprentices, supervisors, carpenters and everyone else to thank for it. We can’t wait to do it again.” Aaron also indicates that he was grateful for the opportunity to give Geraldton a state of the art medical centre that “the whole town gets to make use of.” “We were able to take an old building and give it a new lease on life, so we’re quite proud of that,” he says. In the coming years, Coral Coast Homes & Construction aims to consolidate their current position in both the commercial and residential sectors of the region whilst continuing to service their insurance clients. They also endeavour to potentially branch out further afield for their government contracts. In order to facilitate this, the company plans on upgrading their status in the gov-