Coral Coast Homes & Constructions

Coral Coast Homes & Construction | Aaron Parker founded Coral Coast Homes & Construction in 2010. Back then, the company started out doing mostly small renovations and home improvement work. Over the years, they have steadily expanded their scope to include larger projects for clients in the commercial and government sectors, in addition to building custom homes for their residential customers. According to Aaron, Coral Coast Homes &Construction has been successful in growing their clientele thanks to their steadfast commitment to meeting time and budget constraints without having to compromise on the quality of their service offering. “We always strive to build the best quality project in terms of time, scale and budget that we can,” he says. “Initially we had to go out and tender for jobs, which is obviously how we got our name out there in the first place, but we’ve already had a few repeat clients in just a few short years. That shows us that we’re doing something right.” “My supervisors and I take a lot of pride in ensuring that the quality is there with each project,” he adds. “I personally spend a lot of