Coral Coast Homes & Constructions

Coral Coast Homes & Construction | turned it into a medical facility,” Aaron explains. “It has three different medical businesses in there as well as an allied health business specialising in things like yoga and physical training. It was a complete restoration with all new power and plumbing, and we also recladded the whole building, so it was quite a big project.” Unsurprisingly, the 40-year-old building was particularly challenging to work within. Given that there were “a lot of unknowns” once they started the renovations, the scope of the project seemingly kept changing, which made it particularly difficult for Coral Coast to stick to the scheduled timeframe. In spite of this, Aaron and his team found a way to overcome the plethora of unforeseen issues to deliver the project on time. Aaron credits the many relationships he formed throughout the duration of the Urch Street Redevelopment, stating that they were crucial to the project’s success. For example, he says that “the project wouldn’t have been possible without good suppliers and subcontractors.” He also reveals that he and his team worked very closely with both the client and