Coral Coast Homes & Constructions

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction

Coral Coast Homes & Construction | Situated in the coastal city of Geraldton, located in Western Australia’s Mid West region, is Coral Coast Homes & Construction − an award-winning builder specialising in residential construction, commercial construction, renovations, extensions and restorations. Their team of experts boast over 18 years of experience in the industry, and they are well-known for consistently surpassing national building standards whilst delivering their projects on time and on budget.

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction The Pride of Geraldton

Coral Coast Homes & Construction | Aaron Parker founded Coral Coast Homes & Construction in 2010. Back then, the company started out doing mostly small renovations and home improvement work. Over the years, they have steadily expanded their scope to include larger projects for clients in the commercial and government sectors, in addition to building custom homes for their residential customers. According to Aaron, Coral Coast Homes &Construction has been successful in growing their clientele thanks to their steadfast commitment to meeting time and budget constraints without having to compromise on the quality of their service offering. “We always strive to build the best quality project in terms of time, scale and budget that we can,” he says. “Initially we had to go out and tender for jobs, which is obviously how we got our name out there in the first place, but we’ve already had a few repeat clients in just a few short years. That shows us that we’re doing something right.” “My supervisors and I take a lot of pride in ensuring that the quality is there with each project,” he adds. “I personally spend a lot of

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction

Coral Coast Homes & Construction | URCH STREET REDEVELOPMENT of time on each project myself, ensuring that we’re meeting the specifications issued by the client, and I’m lucky to be working with skilled trades.” Over the years, the company has successfully completed a number of contracts upwards of $3 million, but they still stay true to their roots by undertaking smaller projects, such as minor repairs for their insurance clients. Regardless of size or status, Aaron affirms that every Coral Coast client receives top-notch customer service and meticulous attention to detail. “As I said, we put a lot of emphasis on our quality,” he says. “And if a client ever has a problem, we’re always happy to go back and fix it to their satisfaction.” Last year, Coral Coast Homes & Construction commenced a massive, award-winning commercial renovation project known as the Urch Street Redevelopment. The project involved the complete transformation of a large entertainment centre in the heart of Geraldton, which was originally built in the 1970s, into a cutting edge multi-tenanted office suite. “We completely gutted the building and

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction

Coral Coast Homes & Construction | turned it into a medical facility,” Aaron explains. “It has three different medical businesses in there as well as an allied health business specialising in things like yoga and physical training. It was a complete restoration with all new power and plumbing, and we also recladded the whole building, so it was quite a big project.” Unsurprisingly, the 40-year-old building was particularly challenging to work within. Given that there were “a lot of unknowns” once they started the renovations, the scope of the project seemingly kept changing, which made it particularly difficult for Coral Coast to stick to the scheduled timeframe. In spite of this, Aaron and his team found a way to overcome the plethora of unforeseen issues to deliver the project on time. Aaron credits the many relationships he formed throughout the duration of the Urch Street Redevelopment, stating that they were crucial to the project’s success. For example, he says that “the project wouldn’t have been possible without good suppliers and subcontractors.” He also reveals that he and his team worked very closely with both the client and

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Coral Coast Homes & Construction |

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction Construction’s first ever project in that price range. Again, he credits his entire team for the fantastic result they achieved. “I felt everyone involved did a great job considering the company had only been going for three years at the time,” he says. “We have all of our administrators, apprentices, supervisors, carpenters and everyone else to thank for it. We can’t wait to do it again.” Aaron also indicates that he was grateful for the opportunity to give Geraldton a state of the art medical centre that “the whole town gets to make use of.” “We were able to take an old building and give it a new lease on life, so we’re quite proud of that,” he says. In the coming years, Coral Coast Homes & Construction aims to consolidate their current position in both the commercial and residential sectors of the region whilst continuing to service their insurance clients. They also endeavour to potentially branch out further afield for their government contracts. In order to facilitate this, the company plans on upgrading their status in the gov-

Coral Coast Homes & Construction |

| Coral Coast Homes & Construction ernment’s National Prequalification System from Level 1 to Level 2. Beyond that, Aaron says Coral Coast will continue to “improve what we’re doing and keep heading in the direction we’re heading in.” Regardless of what they accomplish in the future, one thing is for certain: they are drive by passion. “I’m in the building game because I enjoy it, not because I’m trying to make a million dollars,” he concludes. “It’s something that I’m passionate about, and I’m lucky to have surrounded myself with people who are likeminded in that regard.”

Coral Coast Homes & Construction |