Department of Transport and Main Roads

Department of Transport & Main Roads | FAST FACTS The reconstruction taskwas unprecedented, with the program delivered for about $6 billion. Works completed during the four-year program: • 8741km of the state-controlled road network • 1735 structures including bridges and culverts • 1421 locations requiring earthworks and batters • 3335 locations needing silt and debris cleared. The program has been a big undertaking by the department, in partnership with industry and the community. To facilitate this important relationship, industry was kept informed of program progress via industry briefings, which provided project updates and allowed critical planning to be undertaken. Better planning with industry enabled the program to maintain momentum on delivering reconstruction works. The packaging of works into larger contracts provided: • reduced costs around risks and delivery through sound procurement and contract management • economies of scale with works packaged according to location, reducing the overlap of contractors in some areas • sharing of resources between project sites. Regional project offices worked closely with local suppliers and neighbouring offices to program works so suppliers were not overloaded and rates inflated. Availability of asphalt and other materials was also considered to ensure there were no time delays resulting from large quantities of critical materials being unavailable. To reduce delays to motorists and deliver greater efficiencies, the department also delivered some of its regular program of federal and state government-funded road infrastructure projects in conjunction with reconstruction works. At times it was necessary to undertake works in areas near residential properties and those residents were particularly patient and understanding of the scale and duration of work required. Along with comprehensive and regular stakeholder communication, PARTNERINGWITH INDUSTRY AND THE COMMUNITY