E1 Group

E1 Group | 7 which is the ultimate result.” “We try to exemplify our capabilities on every project,” he adds. “Because of my personal experience, and ours teams experience, we’ve been able to deliver a number of short-time-frame, technical jobs over the years. We always go the extra mile and put in the hours to make sure that happens.” Mitchell credits the success of E1 Group primarily to their dedication. He also says, however, that it’s important to have the right policies and procedures in place to back that up. “We complete quality assurance forms at all the critical stages of a project,” he explains. “We do that every step of the way. We don’t wait until the end of the project to see if there are any issues, and then try to resolve them then. We’re always on the lookout, so there are rarely more than a few minor things to rectify at the end – if there’s even that.” “We want to ensure a seamless handover to the client,” he adds. “We want them to be able to start operating as soon as they want.” Moving forward, Mitchell says that he wants E1 Group to maintain that level of dedication. He also wants to grow the business so that it can take on roughly 10 projects at a time – a size they are very close to achieving. At that level, Mitchell says he can still personally oversee every project and interact with every client. “I’ve worked with the bigger companies and seen what can go wrong when a project goes without the right leadership,” he says. “I want be a Managing Director, not just a Director that sits and watches the numbers come in and out. I want to be personally involved, and I want to make sure I can use my professional experience to make sure every project is done right.”