Factor Engineering

Factor Engineering | 7 tonnage they were producing, the expansion and so forth. I had a look at the Winery and we came up with three proposals – cheap, mid-price, and expensive. Within about three pages, their chief engineer said ‘We like the expensive one, can you formalize the proposal?’” “So we put together a ten page proposal and sent it to the board, and it came back with an order priced at $5 million. All of that was just from a ten page proposal and a one page order – that’s a level of trust that takes a while to develop.” Rex says the SA Engineering Excellence Award carries a great deal of prestige, and is considered a proud achievement by every member of the company. The awardwinning plant was actually the first project Factor UTB has ever entered in the awards, as Rex felt it was the first one that “ticked all the right boxes.” “There are eight categories you can enter into, and they don’t always give awards for each category,” he explains. “If they don’t think your product is good enough, they’ll call you a finalist but won’t give you an award. If nobody is good enough for judges, then there won’t be an award for that category. It’s very unusual compared to typical awards, because you truly have to win it – and that’s just what we did.”