Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems

Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems | March If quality lies at the heart of efficiency, then Ford &Doonan Air Conditioning Systems is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition in Western Australia. The company – whose air conditioning systems are comprised of high-quality materials, and comprehensively designed and installed – prides itself on offering customers unparalleled service, while always looking for opportunities to improve. As a result of that drive for continuous improvement, Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems is on a robust growth trajectory. It is now directing its efforts into concentrated growth endeavours throughout the region for sustained, long-term success. The Perth-based company is entering into its 30th year thanks in no small part to fastidious attention to detail and shrewd entrepreneurial acumen. Perhaps most impressive, its eponymous founders, Andrew Ford and Kyle Doonan were 19 and 20 years old, respectively, when they founded the company. To what, then, does Ford & Doonan owe its longevity? “Of any organization, the culture is the