Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems

Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems | March lifeblood and success or failure of that organization,” says Andrew, noting that exemplary service yields repeat customers and, ultimately, more business. “The decision myself and the other director Kyle Doonan make in relation to a customer is, do we humour them or do we fix the problem? We’ll wear it at our cost because you can win the battle, but you lose the war, so to speak.” Such an ethos, which wears more like a badge of honour, has propelled Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems to the acme of the Western Australian air conditioning industry, while also garnering the company accolades. Winners of the 2014 HIA Customer Service Award, the 2012 Trainer of the Year Award and runner-up for the 2015 Master Builder Association Customer Service Award, Andrew simply attributes the company’s success to a refusal to rest on its laurels. “We’ve grown to 175 people in the organization,” he says. “It’s nice recognition to know that they’re making a difference. Never keep doing what you’re doing; you always have to stay one step ahead and keep monitoring and improving.” “What can we do better by way of innovation? We have to continue improving our service. Simply winning an award isn’t good