Griffith City Council

| Griffith City Council business relocation and expansion. “We want to work with investors and developers to encourage growth and new industry in a sustainable manner,” Greg says. “We welcome all inquiry.” Griffith City Council has introduced a number of measures to assist developers. These measures include identifying appropriate funding and rebate opportunities through government programs, assisting with identifying commercial premises and options for suitable land, and assisting developers throughout the DA and Council processes. In addition, Council has also put a lot of effort into attracting new people – residents and visitors alike – to take advantage of the city’s growth. For example, Greg says they have invested heavily in their sporting arena, which has already started to attract premier sports tournaments to the region. “That bodes well, because development by itself is not enough,” he explains. “You need people to continually come and visit your area, so they spend money and support local business.” A city also needs people to experience it in order to share their experience, Greg adds. He describes that kind of word of mouth as “price-