
Grocon | 7 one step further with the construction of Legion House, which will be disconnected from the main electricity grid altogether. HIGHLIGHTING EXCELLENCE Grocon’s projects – and the values behind those projects – have been validated many times in the form of local, national and international award recognition. In the past few years in particular, the company has won a plethora of awards from groups ranging fromMelbourne City Council to the National Master Builders’ Association. In 2012, the UDIA honoured Grocon with an Award for Affordable Development for their Common Ground project in Sydney, and an Award for Design and Innovation for their 1 Bligh Street, Sydney project. Grocon also received a Special Commendation fromMBA Victoria, and won more accolades at the Property Council of Australia and Excellence Awards, as well as the Safe Work Australia Awards. According to Zorbas, the company values that kind of industry recognition very highly. “The awards serve to highlight the excellence of our teams and their ability to give our clients a top shelf development experience and a great final product,” he says. “In special cases they also demonstrate how leadership and a strong investment in cultural change can yield huge improvements in employee conditions and safety.” According to Zorbas, Grocon’s win at the Safe Work Australia 2012 annual awards night for the Best Workplace Health & Safety Management System – which covers all private industry – was their most satisfying of the year, as safety is one of the company’s core values. “Striving to be world class in terms of safety is something that every company who takes itself seriously in the sector must do,” Zorbas says. “There is always more to do and winning this John Van Camp Lynne Jensen Sean Sweeney