
8 | Grocon award recognises an important milestone on our people’s continuous journey of safety improvement.” Grocon’s safety record, Zorbas says, can be credited to their “investment and partnership” with DuPont, a science-based solution provider they commissioned in 2008. At that time, DuPont assessedGrocon’s practices and performance in a number of critical areas, and compared their findings against world-class safety standards. Afterwards, DuPont worked with Grocon’s leaders to develop a detailed custom improvement plan, which aimed to fill that gap. An intensive partnership followed, resulting in Grocon’s award-winning safety management system. As Safe Work Australia’s award says, “Grocon is a leader in safety for the construction industry and demonstrates how a safety culture can be effectively implemented.” Safe Work’s award was also not the only award of “special significance” that Grocon won in 2012, Zorbas adds. The second was the one they received for Development of the Year at the Property Council of Australia and Excellence Awards – their fifth top award from that ceremony. Grocon won that accolade for their Media House project, which was described by PCA Chief Operating Office Ken Morrison as an “outstanding showcase of what Australia’s property industry can produce.” Media House – which also won the award for Best Office Development – was built over rail,