Harvey Health & Community Services

4 | Harvey Health & Community Sevices Group accommodate changes when they come,” she explains. “We spend a lot of time scanning the environment and going to network meetings, and generally keeping an eye on the changes that are being handed down. We make sure we have our systems and processes in place to handle the change when it occurs.” “We tend to embrace the changes, and we tend to embrace it early,” she adds. “We even have experience with other providers in the local area contacting us for help in terms of implementing changes. It’s something we do quite well.” Claire adds that the Group is also able to stay ahead of the changing aged care environment due to their focus on innovation. She says the Group’s whole team– from the top down – is trained to always look for new opportunities and embrace improvements wherever they can be found. “And we’re innovative about how we do it,” she says. “We have opportunities for brainstorming, we have staff development days, and people are rewarded for coming up with good ideas. There are multiple systems woven through our organisation to support that culture of change and innovation.” “We like to think of ourselves as being leaders rather than followers in community aged care,” she explains.