Harvey Health & Community Services

6 | Harvey Health & Community Sevices Group Health and Community Services Group also promotes a “culture of training and development,” Claire says. “We encourage people to upskill, and we do pay for their training if it’s directly related to the industry and will bring benefits to the organisation.” INDUSTRY RECOGNISED The HESTA Aged Care Awards recognise the dedication and professionalism of those working in aged care. In 2013, they recognised that dedication in the Harvey Health and Community Services Group, and named them as a finalist for their Team Innovation Award. “We were very excited about that,” says Claire of the awards attention. “From a management point of view, I find it’s really valuable as a motivator for staff. And it’s also a way of recognising the fabulous job they do. They get recognised on an individual basis, but it’s lovely to have something that indicates that our organisation is up there with the best of them nationally.” The HESTA nomination was earned by the group’s “Gopher Gold Team,” for the work they did informing and empowering older people and those with disabilities, by providing information on services that can improve their health, independence, and lifestyle. “Because our nomination was in the Team Innovation, instead of me attending the awards night in Sydney, I actually sent three of our staff,” Claire says. “At the same time, we had a group of our staff here in Harvey, WA, here in our activity room. We had a Skype link with our people in Sydney, so we could all be there. I think that really speaks to the closeness of our team, and the supportiveness of the environment here.” Claire credits the nomination to the fact that at Harvey Health and Community Services Group, they “simply do remarkable things.”