Harvey Health & Community Services

Harvey Health & Community Sevices Group | 7 “We are an innovative organisation,” she reiterates. “We take a slightly different approach than more traditional organisations within our industry. We like to get out there, we like to market things, and we like to keep our clients informed – which we do through a number of different means.” One of the Group’s best marketing tools is their monthly newsletter, which Claire describes as “actually a really good quality magazine,” which they have professionallyproduced. “That’s one of the best means we have of informing clients and the community as to what we’re doing, and we get a lot of feedback from that, which we love.” Moving forward, Claire says the vision for the Group is to maintain that innovative streak, and to continue to stay one step ahead of the changing aged care environment. In the very near future, that will mean relocating to a new premises on what was once an agricultural college. “We’re going to have an entire campus under our jurisdiction,” Claire explains. “That will allow us to expand in a whole lot of different areas that w-e haven’t been able to up until now, because we have been constrained by the relatively small building we’re in at the moment.” For example, she says they are looking forward to increasing their range of occupational therapy services, and building on their range of home and community care services. They are also having a computer network installed, with fibre optic cable and free wi-fi. On top of that, they are adding a facilities management company to the group, and are going to set up and run a conference centre and retreat for other notfor-profit organisations. “We’re just going to have so many more options,” Claire says. “This is a big step for us, and we’re excited about what the future holds.”