Hichory Group

Hickory Group | February 2015 each step of the construction project.” “It makes it very easy to ensure that everybody is following the same reporting processes, capturing the right amount of data, and doing the right things with that information.It also helps us control all of the different projects we have going at one time to make sure everyone is working according to the standardised forms and procedures.This way,everybody knows what they should be doing and has the right tools and resources necessary at any given point of the job.” Nevertheless, there are still times where companies as large and diverse as Hickory need some external assistance. While they’re able to self-perform the bulk of their projects, Nadia indicates that Hickory enjoys several longstanding relationships with suppliers and subcontractors alike. “Of course, there’s still a large degree of subcontracting on any job, and you need to work with companies and consultants that have specialised capabilities,” she says. “A lot of our suppliers and subcontractors have been working with us since the start, and their businesses have grown with ours,