Hichory Group

Hickory Group | February 2015 “We’ve had a lot of success in delivering modular buildings that are assembled very quickly onsite, which are more sustainable and built twice as fast as regular buildings,” says Marketing and Communications ManagerNadia Salajic. “We’ve also launched a new business unit delivering modular bathrooms, where we literally build the whole bathroom offsite in our factory and install the finished unit into a conventionally constructed building.” “The benefits of our prefabricated building systems are that they are faster, cheaper, safer, and more environmentally sustainable than conventional buildings,” she adds. “For instance, if we’re building a structure in our factory rather than on a building site, it means we’re checking quality much more efficiently than going up and down a sixty level building to check that everything has been done properly. It’s a lot safer for staff because they’re not doing a lot of work at great heights on the edge of the building, and it’s also safer for pedestrians because everything is enclosed, which means materials can’t fall outside of the building.”