
Hindmarsh | ued to foster strong relationships with stakeholders. Gary says they tendered the job to only a select group of subcontractors, and he describes the relationships they formed with the winners as “very good.” “We only wanted to work with contractors that we had the confidence could deliver the project to everybody’s satisfaction,” he explains. The new ANU Chemistry Building was constructed within the “live” campus science precinct and encompasses 9,100 square metres of ground floor area (GFA). The refurbished ‘Birt Building’ encompasses 4,100 square metres. The total GFA includes research laboratories, high-tech instrument rooms, chemical storerooms, various workshop rooms for electronics and glassblowing, as well as offices, administration rooms, a seminar room, a drop-in centre, and general meeting areas. Each specialist research laboratory is distinct and contained from the others. Within them, Hindmarsh installed specialised INDUSTRY RECOGNISED