Honeycombes Property Group

6 | Honeycomebes Property Group “We always try to deal with local suppliers and service providers in the communities in which we work,” Peter adds. “So we make sure those relationships are very strong.” The Group also has strong relationships with their joint-venture partners, who have included public and private companies as well as local and state government organisations. In recent years, for example, Honeycombes has worked in partnership with Queensland Rail and the Cairns Port Authority. Those types of organisations are invaluable when it comes to achieving the level of local understanding the Group demands. Peter credits the strength of all his relationships to a few key factors, starting with communication. That doesn’t just mean communicating when something goes wrong, he clarifies, but also when things go right. “It’s important to value the contributions of everybody,” he says. “Just because someone’s a supplier or financier and we pay their bills doesn’t mean we take them for granted. We’re continually providing them with feedback on how to improve, and crediting them for the things they do well.” As a result of their longstanding relationships at every level, Honeycombes Property Group can be assured – and can assure clients – of quality outcomes. EXCEEDING BENCHMARKS The quality outcomes that Honeycombes PropTownsville Central (Stage 1 Commercial)