Honeycomebes Property Group | 7 erty Group consistently achieves have not gone unrecognised by the industry. At the 2012 UDIA Awards, for example, the Group was the winner in the Urban Renewal category for ‘Central,’ an innovative new lifestyle precinct in Townsville’s CBD. Central offers a mix of one, two and three bedroom luxury apartments master-planned around retail and commercial hubs. The UDIA judges were impressed by the “transformative impact” of Central on Townsville and its CBD. They recognised the commitment of Honeycombes Property Group to continuous improvement throughout every stage of the project, and also noted its success at attracting both commercial and residential tenants. And that award was far from the Group’s first. That came in 2000, when they won both a state and national UDIA Urban Renewal Award for the development of MetroQuays, which was a car park they converted into 90 apartments.“We’re honoured to receive those awards,” Peter says. “It’s very easy for us to continue to focus on what we think is important, but it’s always critical we check up with the industry, and ensure we’re meeting or exceeding the expectation there as well.” “We have to ensure we’re not resting on our laurels,” he adds. “We have to make sure we’re keeping up with the benchmark set by the whole industry, not just ourselves.” Another part of keeping up with that benchmark is operating in an environmentally responsible way. Sustainability and efficiency are becomTownsville Central (Stage 1 Residential)