Horizon Habitats

Horizon Habitats | then fix all of the structural problems with the house and get it back to a state of integrity. From there, we were commissioned to refurbish it and fit it out with new bathrooms, new living areas, new doors and windows, and a new kitchen as well.” Due to the home’s original state of disrepair, Horizon Habitats could not quite give the client a fixed price at the start of the job. They had to proceed with a cost-plus contract. “Our forte as a company is delivering these kind of jobs, even when we don’t know how much it’s going to cost by the end,” he says. “We start with a reasonable budget, we update it every fortnight so the client is always aware of what their position is and the client is always in control over what gets done; by whom; and for how much.It’s not an open chequebook – every subcontractor is on a fixed price, once we develop a scope of work for them to undertake.” Ultimately, Horizon Habitats ended up doing a lot of work on the Rosebay project, but the client was consulted and collaborated with at every stage – so they were very satisfied with the process. “We pulled the house apart, we tunnelled behind walls that had been buried in the ground and we pulled up the driveway, re-waterproofed it and re-laid it, because it was the roof over some bedrooms,” David recalls.“We pulled out windows, re-waterproofed the whole house and then fully re-