Horizon Habitats

Horizon Habitats | “When people undertake building, they do so with a certain amount of trepidation,” Meryl says. “People often talk about the horror stories of cost overruns and time overruns, and one of the things about Horizon they ought to be very proud of is that they run a tight ship.” “They have good staff – I haven’t come across a bad site foreman on their side – and they run to time and they run to budget,” she adds. “They follow up their good building skills with good administration.” David has similar praise for the staff at Hare + Klein. “They’re a great team that we enjoy working with,” he says. “There’s mutual respect there. We rely on them for our design expertise and they rely on us for our project management and construction expertise. We complement each other.” “Sometimes we’re in a position to recommend a builder, and sometimes we’re not,” Meryl adds. “When we are in that position, Horizon would certainly be at the top of our list.” Hare + Klein was brought onto the Rose-