J Steel Australasia

4 | J Steel Australasia By undertaking those risks themselves, J Steel can ease the minds of their clients. Rather than purchasing product from overseas – which can be a risky proposition – Australian companies can purchase domestically from J Steel. That way, they can be assured that they are getting what they need and paid for, without having to deal with any complications. In general, McPherson says J Steel’s ability to provide that peace of mind is what sets the company apart in the eyes of their customers – who are mainly major construction and engineering contractors. By providing a comprehensive range of services, J Steel can deliver solutions to client’s exacting technical requirements, programs and budgets. As an example of their premium service in action, J Steel recently worked on a Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group (NCIG) wharf upgrade with the multinational construction company Laing O’Rourke. That project involved the fabrication of deck units that were “basically lifted into place,” McPherson says. The specifications for that job were well beyond the Australian standard, he adds, but J Steel was still able to manufacture and supply those units to a “very satisfied customer, who was very pleased with the quality.” STRENGTH IN VARIETY McPherson credits the success of J Steel not just to their range of services, but also to the calibre of the people executing those services. At J Steel, they employ many types of workers from a vari-