LX Design House

| LX Group want to win that one day.’” “So we’re very excited to have won,” he says. “It means a lot to me, and to our team. We’ve wona lot of awards nationally and internationally, both for how we run our business and for the actual designs that we introduce. The Engineering Excellence Awards, however, are some of the most prestigious in Australia, and they have quite a heavy engineering focus.” “There are very experienced engineers that come look in detail at how you’ve gone about solving a problem, how you implemented the solution,” he continues. “They look at the architecture, they look at the innovation. The level of due diligence that goes into it is extensive. The application is huge and in the judging session you get grilled quite a bit. So it means a lot to win at the end of the day.” The project that won LX the Sydney Engineering ExcellenceAward–ProjectCaramello Koala –was a response to the increasing risks facing the iconic native animal. Koalas have recently been listed as a vulnerable species, and monitoring programs are an essen-