Lend Lease

Lend Lease | lengths of light on each level. A diaphragm wall retention system was also constructed for the single level basement, which was partially below the water table which made construction of the foundations and slab very difficult. Lend Lease’s work on the project involved both base building and fit out components for all tenants. According to Gary, that scope of work kept growing throughout the project’s life, and this presented another challenge. “The design meetings workshops continued through to almost the very end of the project,” he explains. “Introductions of additional works and a few late design changes kept us on our toes. For example, the original scope included base building works, IPAS fit-outlocated on the basement, ground floor and level 1. However as the development progressed, Lend Lease were asked to complete a detailed fit out for levels three and four, and then later again were asked to incorporate level 2 fitout as well. These fitouts were introduced late and design and construction of the basebuilding works had