Lend Lease

Lend Lease | “We have built a rapport and help each other through the good times and tough times,” he says.“This was invaluable to have those longstanding relationships that are built on excellence and trust. It allowed us to go that extra mile so we could deliver the best outcomes.” According to Gary, many of the design consultants on The Braggs were locallybased Adelaide companies that Lend Lease has worked with before and will likely work with again. The same goes for the majority of their subcontractors. “They’re one of the most important relationships on any project,” he says. “The construction industry is very fluid – it’s constantly changing and dynamic, so you have to constantly reschedule and re-program. Even if something goes wrong, you still have the same end date, and you still have to deliver the project.” “If you’ve got a good relationship with a subcontractor, they become more flexible and more enthusiastic about working with you,” he explains. “That’s essential when it comes to achieving the right outcomes, like