Lend Lease

Lend Lease | challenge. As a research facility for IPAS,The Braggs houses equipment that enables optical fibre fabrication, laser and device development, luminesce dating, environmental genomics, photon sensor develop, and synthetic, surface, and bio-chemistry. For Lend Lease, this meant there were “a lot of servicesand detailed coordination” toaccount for. Additionally, The Braggs was constructed in a working educational environment with classes being held in neighbouring buildings and students congregating just metres from the green hoardings that surrounded the massive site. The project team also had to manage those complexities. According to Gary, it was the company’s experience that got them through it.“We’re good at bringing a team together and managing the design process to work through complex problems in order to get the outcomes that are needed.” In addition to housing the IPAS facilities and equipment, The Braggs featurestwofull height atriums and an elaborate faceted glass façade system, which reflects different wave-