Macquarie Designer Homes

MacQuarie Designer Homes | 7 signed and the client approves the plans, the project moves ahead. Once construction is commenced, if a client has any questions or concerns, they can approach the site supervisor or the head office at any time. Macquarie makes the process as easy as possible for them. This personalised service – when combined with their quality designs – has been rewarded many times over the years in the form of repeat business, and word-of-mouth referrals and recommendations. A vast majority of the company’s customers, Theo says, are people who have been referred by their friends or family, or are people coming back to Macquarie Designer Homes for a second or third project. Macquarie Designer Homes also enjoys positive relationships with their subcontractors and suppliers, Theo adds, and they reward their hard work by paying them on time and in full. The subcontractors and suppliers also appreciate the efficiency and professional manner in which Macquarie Designer Homes provide orders and plans. INDUSTRY RECOGNISED As a result of their quality work and service, Macquarie Designer Homes has been a consistent winner HIA and MBA awards since 2003. In 2012, for example, they won multiple awards,