Napier City Council

Napier City Council | and comprehensive research on what industries and businesses we have the best chance of attracting.” Preliminary research indicates that the region does have a competitive advantage for distribution centres and further call centres. “We’re pursuing that now and figuring out which ones they are,” says James. “We have our own unique brand and we will be successful because we’ve never really had a proper attraction strategy. Previously, Napier was very much looking to attract people, but the bottom line is they won’t come unless there are jobs for them. So we’re endeavouring to create economic prosperity and generate jobs in the area. That’s what it’s all about.” There are many reasons why a business would want to consider Napier as a destination, James says. In particular, the “superefficient” Port of Napier is the third largest exporting port in New Zealand. “The cost of unloading a container in Napier is less than a third of what it costs in Auckland,” he explains. “So in terms of bringing things in and out, Napier is a much more cost-effective location. The cost-savings are