Napier City Council

| Napier City Council significant in a provincial location like Napier, especially since we have such a competitive port and transport situation.” He also points out that the cost of a house in Napier is approximately half of what it would be in Auckland, making the city very appealing to employees of prospective companies. In the coming years, James says the council wants to make significant progress in generating stable, well-paying jobs in the region. In his opinion, if they can create those opportunities, the rest of the pieces should fall into place “relatively easily” because people want to work and live in a city like Napier. “Our vision is to create a sustainable, prosperous economy that everyone can participate in,” he declares. “That’s easier said than done, of course, but there are enough ex-Hawke’s Bay people in the country that would move back here in a flash if there was a high-paying job for them because they want to return home and raise families here.” “We are seeking to diversify the economy SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITY