Pittwater Council | Pittwater Council encompasses a total land area of 125 square kilometres, almost half of which is national parks, bushland, or reserves. Council draws inspiration from this unique mix of bush, beach and water, and strives to protect and enhance their environment whilst improving the quality of life for their community – and for future generations. Paul William-Smith is the Economic Development Coordinator at Pittwater Council. He says Pittwater’s “pristine environment” is what sets the area apart, even from a business and investment perspective. “Pittwater attracts a lot of interesting, innovative companies,” he explains. “And it attracts a lot of people who want to live and work in the same area, and we’re very conducive to that. We’re a great home for people who are very passionate about their businesses, and for the kind of people who like to innovate and push creative boundaries.” Paul comes from a town planning background, and has extensive experience with regional economic development and investment attraction. Prior to taking on his current role, he worked for six years as the Regional Economic Development Coordinator for both the Warringah & Pittwater Councils.