Precision Homes

6 | Precision Homes you need to discuss with us exactly what they want,” he adds. “And anything they want to happen, we’ll try to make happen.” In general, Precision Homes is very flexible when it comes to meeting their client’s needs. In order to do that, they will not shy away from trying new materials or building techniques, as long as they live up to Precision’s high standard of quality. “We’ve got a passion behind what we do,” William says. “We love building and we love challenging ourselves.” William says that the company is constantly attending trade shows across the country and even internationally, and they also consult with architects and other building companies – whatever it takes to stay up to date, and be as best equipped as possible to help clients realise their visions. INDUSTRY RECOGNISED Precision Homes’ dedication to quality has paid off in many ways. Not only has it earned them significant repeat work and strong word-of-mouth, but industry recognition as well. At the 2012 HIA Awards, their first ever display home – “The Cube” – won in its category for Best Display Home over $700,000, and went on to win the award for Best Overall Display Home in SA. “It’s great to be recognised,” says William of the win. “We put a lot of work into our display,