Precision Homes

2 | Precision Homes

Precision Homes | 3 Precision Homes is a premier custom home builder in Adelaide. They are proudly South Australian-owned and operated, and their homes are built by local tradesmen, using local materials. With every project, their skilled team is dedicated to delivering a high standard of quality and innovation, on time and on budget. “Few home builders in Australia achieve the results we do,” says William Moukacher, Managing Director of the company. “As our name suggests – perfection is our standard.” William personally comes from a long history in the building industry, where he has worked ever since he was in school. He began his profes-

4 | Precision Homes sional career doing renovations and additions, before later earning experience doing small developments. In 2004, he founded Precision Homes, and started using that experience to help customers build their dream homes. TOTALLY PERSONALISED Since their inception, Precision Homes has maintained steady growth. Today, they are one of the most prominent home builders in Adelaide, and still have a strong reputation for completing extensions and renovations on existing homes. The majority of their work takes place in the metropolitan area of the city, and their projects range in value from the mid-to-high-end of the market. According toWilliam, PrecisionHomes is set apart in that bracket by their focus on collaboration. They are committed to working closely with their clients so they can best understand their ideas, budgets and expectations. From there, they will work tirelessly to deliver a “dream result” that exceeds all of their requirements. Precision Homes provides a totally personalised service, starting from the very beginning of the process and continuing even beyond the project’s completion. From the outset, clients can choose between an off-the-shelf project design or create their own totally customised home. Either way, the company is determined to make the client’s experience as enjoyable and stress free as possible. “We’re not frightened by terms like change, modify, personal, innovative, and uniqueness,” William says. “We pride ourselves on being custom.” “We encourage customers to take all the time

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6 | Precision Homes you need to discuss with us exactly what they want,” he adds. “And anything they want to happen, we’ll try to make happen.” In general, Precision Homes is very flexible when it comes to meeting their client’s needs. In order to do that, they will not shy away from trying new materials or building techniques, as long as they live up to Precision’s high standard of quality. “We’ve got a passion behind what we do,” William says. “We love building and we love challenging ourselves.” William says that the company is constantly attending trade shows across the country and even internationally, and they also consult with architects and other building companies – whatever it takes to stay up to date, and be as best equipped as possible to help clients realise their visions. INDUSTRY RECOGNISED Precision Homes’ dedication to quality has paid off in many ways. Not only has it earned them significant repeat work and strong word-of-mouth, but industry recognition as well. At the 2012 HIA Awards, their first ever display home – “The Cube” – won in its category for Best Display Home over $700,000, and went on to win the award for Best Overall Display Home in SA. “It’s great to be recognised,” says William of the win. “We put a lot of work into our display,

Precision Homes | 7 like we do for all our homes. We thought it was great, and it’s nice to know that other people think that too.” The Cube is comprised of three levels. The lower level includes an underground cellar and home theatre – with the speakers behind the screen, just like in a real theatre. The ground floor includes a roomy entertainment area, and the upper level offers three large bedrooms and a games room. HIA judges described The Cube’s design as “cutting edge” and “innovative.” They said it “brought the ideas of comfort and open living to the forefront,” and “achieved a light and airy spacious feeling.” “The many exciting innovations featured throughout The Cube reflect the opulence and quality of the overall building,” said the HIA, in a write-up for the Display Home of the Year. “This home lacks nothing in effectiveness, visual appeal and luxury.” “I think we pushed the limits of display homes a lot further than any other builder ever has,” William explains. “At the same time, we paid attention to even the little details. We really wanted to show customers what we could do, and what’s possible.” “We’re constantly trying to improve ourselves,” he adds. He says that drive is what earned them the award, ultimately. He predicts it will continue to earn them more awards in the future. “There’s always room to improve, and we could always be better,” he adds. “That’s our philosophy. And every year, we become a little stronger.” Beyond their award win, William credits the company’s success to their unrivalled dedication to customer service. That dedication starts

8 | Precision Homes during the inquiry phase, and continues well into the build process. The company’s salespeople are trained to keep in contact, and will frequently call their clients to check in – to make sure they are comfortable, and to address any questions or concerns that might have arisen. Even after the home is completed and handed over, Precision Home’s customer service doesn’t end. They will almost always go back to resolve maintenance issues, even after the standard threemonth warranty period. They’ll also try to visit or attend a barbecue, just to make sure the client is happy with their new home. William further credits Precision’s success to the commitment of their team – from their direct staff to their talented roster of suppliers and subcontractors. “People are at the core of our business,” he explains. “We employ some of the best craftsmen in Adelaide, and we go to great lengths to source the right people for the right tasks.” “Even though no one here is related by blood, we consider ourselves a family,” he adds. “That counts for our subcontractors too. I believe they all feel part of Precision Homes, and we have longstanding relationships with most of them. They all work together, and they all take pride in doing the best work they can do.” MORE THAN A HOME Currently, Precision Homes is at a size they are happy with. In recent years, the company has grown despite a challenging economic climate, and even upgraded offices. They now do roughly

Precision Homes | 9 50 homes a year and William says they are comfortable with maintaining those numbers. “We don’t want to be a massive production builder,” he says. “We want to keep it personalised, and we want to keep the quality high. At the size we’re at now, we can do that.” “We don’t just see ourselves as builders,” he explains. “We don’t just build a product – we build relationships, and we build dreams.” Moving forward, William concludes that the company’s goal will not be to build more homes – it will be to build better homes. They will continue looking for areas of improvement for every project, and will continue figuring out better ways to exceed their client’s expectations. “If a customer wants a builder who does more than just a build a house, then we’re the people to talk to,” William says.